step 1
Discover Disciple City Church & Life Group
Discover DCC is an introduction to Disciple City Church during which potential family members hear about the vision, virtues, values, doctrine, and more. This is mandatory for membership but does not require potential family members to commit or covenant if they are not prepared to do so. Please note, all potential members are expected to begin joining a Life Group upon completion of DDCC.
Classes: 7Rs & SHAPE
The 7Rs is a class narrating the “secret sauce” of Disciple City. Everyone who joins the DCC family will become a healthy disciple maker who is characterized by these core DNA traits. The reasons we chose these specific qualities and what they could look like when they’re lived out are explained during the session.
SHAPE is an exercise designed to help potential family members discover their unique, God-given "SHAPE" for ministry. This enables DCC leadership to understand and know each individual and to empower members in their most suitable arenas of service and our church's most urgent areas of need. In this session, we will provide guidance on how to complete the packet as well as give details and instructions on completing the background check and Protect My Ministry training, which must be completed BEFORE your Membership Approval Meeting.
Tasks: Background Check, Protect My Ministry, & Shape Ministry resumé
Complete these administrative steps, including submitting your completed ministry resume.
Membership Approval Meeting & Community Covenant
Qualified and trusted members from amongst the body are chosen by our leadership to conduct membership approval meetings. This meeting fosters belonging, affirms believers, and allows our church to be careful in shepherding & empowering our current and potential members.
At the conclusion of the membership approval meeting, if approved, the community covenant will be signed and you will be an official covenant family member of Disciple City Church.
Right Hand of Fellowship & New Member Picnic
Disciple City Church will extend the Right Hand of Fellowship (Galatians 2:9) to new covenant family members and welcome them into the family. The membership team hosts a picnic on the lawn for the church to celebrate God’s gracious addition! New members continue in Life Group, begin serving, and join in giving.